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Posted on : Wednesday, January 7, 2015 [0] comments Label: ,

Foto- foto pameran PT. Ayaripersada

by : Unknown
Karyawan PT Ayaripersada

suasana pameran

suasana pameran


Gas Medis


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Seputar PT.Ayaripersada

by : Unknown

PT.Ayaripersada merupakan perusahaan yang berlokasi di Gading Bukit Indah RC#3 - Jl. Gading Bukit Raya Kelapa Gading - Jakarta 14240 Indonesia.
Icon Ayaripersada
Perusahaan ini bergerak dalam bidang mekanikal elektrikal dan komunikasi jaringan, vertikal bisnisnya adalah pengembangan kemajuan teknologi dan aplikasi inovatif yang mendukung misi dari setiap rumah sakit dan perhotelan. Dengan mengutamakan kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja kami terus berkomitmen untuk menjaga eksistensi kinerja dan dalam memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik untuk menjamin aktivitas pelanggan.

Perusaahan ini sudah berpengalaman dalam bidang Nurse Call dengan lama pengalamannya sudah 15 tahun, perusahaan ini tidak hanya berpengalaman dalam bidang Nurse Call tetapi juga bidang lainnya diantaranya Gas Medis, Pneumatic, Bumper Guard, Bedhead , dll .  PT Ayaripersada telah memiliki banyak client di berbagai rumah sakit yang ada di Indonesia di antaranya :

Jawa Timur

RS. Airlangga
RS. Pura Rahardja
RS. Royal
RS. Al Huda
RS. Bina Sehat

Jawa Tengah

RS. Universitas Diponegoro

Jawa Barat

RSUD. Cianjur
RS. Betsaida Serpong
RS. Graha Permata Ibu Depok
  • RSUP. Hasan Sadikin Bandung 
    RS. UMMI Bogor 
  • RS. Kasih Bunda
  • RSUD. Waled Cirebon
    RS. Dr. Tiar Cirebon 
  • RS. Puri Permata Hati Jonggol
RSUD. Bekasi


RSUD Tangerang Selatan
RS. Sitanala
RS. Sari Asih
RS. Sariasih Ciputat

DKI Jakarta 

RS. Royal Progress Sunter
RSUD. Pelabuhan Tj. Priok
RSUP. Fatwamawati
RS. Husada Mangga Besar
RS. Jakarta Heart Centre
RS. Admira Rawamangun
RS. Bunda Menteng
RS. Mayapada Lebakbulus
RS. Islam Cempaka Putih
RS. Jakarta Brain Center
RSPP Pertamina Kebayoran
RS. Metropolitan Medical
RS. Abdi Waluyo Menteng
RS. Jakarta Medical Centre
RS. Jakarta Heart Centre
RS. Aneka Tambang
RS. Bunda Alia
RS. Family Pantai Indah Kapuk

RS. Chevron Pekanbaru

Sumatra Selatan

RS. Pusri

Sumatra Utara

RS. Vita Insani
RS. Royal Prima
RS. Bina Kasih

Kalimantan Timur

RSUD. Tenggarong
RS. Bunda Thamrin


RS. Surya Husada
RS. BIMC Nusa Dua

Nusa Tenggara Barat

RSUD. Mataram
RS. Harapan Keluarga

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Posted on : Tuesday, December 16, 2014 [0] comments Label: , ,


by : Unknown
Politisi Partai Golkar Hajriyanto Y Thohari mengatakan, kepentingan pemerintahan Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla terhadap internal Partai Golkar tidak bisa dihindari. Pemerintah melalui Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia, kata dia, tentunya mempunyai kepentingan-kepentingan tertentu saat memutuskan sikap terkait dualisme kepemimpinan Partai Golkar.
"Kita harus akui. Pemerintah punya kepentingan terhadap Golkar," kata Hajriyanto dalam konferensi pers di Jakarta, Selasa (16/12/2014).
Hajriyanto mengaku tidak tahu pasti seperti apa dan sejauh mana kepentingan pemerintah itu. Namun dia meyakini, kepentingan tersebut berkaitan dengan DPR yang saat ini terbelah, Koalisi Indonesia Hebat sebagai partai pendukung pemerintah dan Koalisi Merah Putih yang merupakan partai oposisi. "Dalam konteks pembelahan kekuatan di parlemen pasti ada kepentingan," ujarnya.
Hal yang paling terpenting sekarang, lanjut Hajriyanto, dua belah pihak yang berseteru, yakni kubu Aburizal Bakrie dan kubu Agung Laksono, harus segera bersatu. Dengan begitu, tak ada lagi pihak-pihak luar yang menggunakan kepentingannya di balik perpecahan Partai Golkar ini.
"Kepentingan tidak bisa dikapitalisasi jika kondisi internal Golkar kondusif. Integritas internal partai sedang diuji agar tidak ada kekuatan eksternal yang memainkan situasi ini untuk kepentingannya. Pihak luar itu bisa saja yang lain, tidak harus pemerintah," ucap dia.
Golkar mengalami dualisme kepemimpinan setelah kubu Aburizal dan kubu Agung Laksono mengadakan munasnya masing-masing. Kedua kubu kemudian mendaftarkan kepengurusan hasil munas itu ke Kementerian Hukum dan HAM. Namun, Menkumham mengatakan, kementerian menyimpulkan untuk mengembalikan penyelesaian dualisme kepemimpinan Golkar ke internal partai tersebut. (Baca: Tak Putuskan Apa Pun, Kemenkumham Kembalikan Penyelesaian Konflik ke Internal Golkar)
Pemerintah menilai bahwa musyawarah nasional (munas) yang digelar dua kubu di internal Golkar adalah sah. Akhirnya, kepengurusan Golkar yang diakui pemerintah saat ini adalah kepengurusan lama yang di dalamnya mencatat Aburizal Bakrie, Agung Laksono, dan Priyo Budi Santoso sebagai pengurus.
Posted on : Saturday, April 27, 2013 [0] comments Label: ,

Mengenal Sejarah Masjid Agung Demak

by : Unknown

Masjid Agung Demak sebagai masjid tertua di Pulau Jawa, Masjid Agung Demak dipercaya memegang peranan penting dalam perkembangan Islam di tanah air. Pasalnya, masjid ini dipercaya sebagai tempat berkumpulnya para Wali Songo yang menyebarkan Islam di Demak.

Masjid tua yang dibangun pada 1477 oleh Raden Fatah bersama Wali Songo ini, berlokasi di pusat Kota Demak. Hanya berjarak 26 km dari Semarang, 25 km dari Kudus, 30 km dari Grobogan, dan 35 km dari Jepara – Jawa Tengah.

Pembangunan Masjid Agung Demak melalui tiga tahap.Tahap pertama dilakukan pada 1466 ketika masjid ini masih berstatus Pondok Pesantren Glagahwangi di bawah asuhan Sunan Ampel. Pada 1477, masjid dibangun kembali sebagai masjid Kadipaten Glagahwangi Demak.

Setahun kemudian, ketika Raden Patah dinobatkan sebagai Sultan I Demak, masjid ini direnovasi dengan penambahan tiga trap. Masjid yang hampir keseluruhan materialnya menggunakan kayu jati ini memiliki luas sekitar 31×31 meter persegi, dengan serambi terbuka berukuran 31×15 m.

Masjid ini juga memiliki bedug raksasa berukuran 3,5×2,5 m, dan tatak rambat berukuran 2,5×3 m . Keseluruhan, masjid ini ditopang 128 soko atau tiang dan 94 tiang penyangga. Pada bagian tengah atap masjid ditopang empat buah tiang kayu raksasa (saka guru), yang dibuat langsung oleh empat orang Wali Songo. Tiang di sebelah tenggara dibuat oleh Sunan Ampel, sebelah barat daya oleh Sunan GunungJati, dan sebelah barat laut dibuat Sunan Bonang. Sedangkan tiang di sebelah timur laut tersusun atas beberapa balok sumbangan Sunan Kalijaga yang diikat menjadi satu.

Menilik arsitekturnya, Masjid Agung Demak ini mengusung gaya arsitektur tradisional dengan atap berbentuk lima persegi. Kesan megah, anggun, sekaligus karismatik tampak nyata melalui arsitektur masjid ini. Atap limas pada masjid ini tersusun atas tiga tingkat yang bermakna seorang beriman harus menapaki tiga tingkatan penting dalam kehidupan rohaninya, yaitu iman, Islam, dan ihsan.

Masjid Agung Demak juga telah dicalonkan untuk menjadi Situs Warisan Dunia UNESCO semenjak tahun 1995.
Posted on : Thursday, March 14, 2013 [0] comments Label: ,

Finding Inspiration and Sparking Creativity

by : Unknown
Art demands inspiration and creativity. Writers, poets, painters, sculptors, and musicians all require these flashes to persist in their craft but every person has times when they need to reach out for that sparkle and shimmer. It could be a need to redecorate a room, choose what to plant in a flower bed, or make a life decision. Sometimes a reminder of sources of inspiration is what it takes to jump-start a project. Here are seven ideas to awaken your muse.

1. Books - Read voraciously. Books are a treasure trove waiting to be discovered. Become a regular visitor to your local library and you can enjoy their rewards without a high cost. When you're in the library, browse the stacks. A gem can appear anywhere and may not show in a search. Consider classic literature, world and travel books, history, science, and whatever topics you come across. A map may lead to a glimmer about a place you've dreamed of visiting and the cultural influences of the people.

2. Music - Listen to music. Start with the genre or artist that is your favorite, but don't be afraid to branch out into other types of music. A pop music lover should enjoy pop but also take side trips into country, blues, rock, classical, or rap. Feel what moves you.

3. Art - Go to a museum. Visit a museum in your area. Small or large, it doesn't matter. If your area doesn't have a museum, go to a flea market or an art festival. Check out the Museum of Bad Art or the Liberace Museum or the Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum. Fine art and horribly bad art each have their own twinkle.


Posted on : Tuesday, January 15, 2013 [0] comments Label: ,

What Type Of Bike Is Right For You?

by : Unknown
Not many are aware of the types of bicycles out there. Most of the time, people learn how to ride the hard way because they are using the wrong type of bike. A mountain bike looks promising enough for most people, but using its gears and other functions can be confusing. If want to know the type of bike that will suit you, there are some things to consider such as your lifestyle and specific needs for getting one in the first place.

Unless you are a sporty type, do not purchase a racing or mountain bike simply because they're the 'it' bikes of the sporting world. There's no need to ride complex bikes if you don't know their main purpose and the possible problems they may lead you to. With that said, it is best to check the following basic information about the different types of bikes:

Mountain or All-terrain

These bikes are made for varied terrains and have sixteen to twenty-four gears. They also have suspension systems, hydraulics, and sturdy features.

Aside from toggling with gears, you'll have to be familiar with the basic riding techniques especially on sloping terrain. This bike is not idea to use if you're a newbie and just starting to learn how to ride because you will need to learn how to use and switch the gears.


Sometimes referred to as 'racers', they are light but quite challenging to ride. These bikes are made for speed and racing enthusiasts are often experienced in riding these on the road. They also have multiple gears, aerodynamic wheels, and minimal accessories. If you'll notice, racing riders are quite light and lean, and these help in increasing and maintaining their riding speeds with ease.


Road bikes are truly made for riding on flat roads and city streets. There are sub-types based on their features and function, as well as their built. A fixie bike can be considered under the 'road' category since it has a fixed gear and is primarily built for riding on smooth and flat roads.


Posted on : Monday, December 17, 2012 [0] comments Label: ,

Dark Chocolate Is Good for the Memory

by : Unknown


Cocoa is an exceptional source of poly phenols, a class of molecules that are distinguished for their high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities which interferes with the development of several chronic diseases.

For example, the regular consumption of dark chocolate reduces the risk of being statistically touched by cardiovascular diseases: Several studies show that dark chocolate significantly reduces blood pressure and interferes with the formation of blood clots, reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

These protective effects are observed only in dark chocolate containing at least 70% of cocoa paste: sweet chocolate tablets invading grocery stores and convenience stores contain only traces of cocoa paste lots of sugar, saturated fat and therefore lots of calories and therefore do not have much to do with real dark chocolate.

Fortunately, you can now easily find good 70% chocolate at very reasonable prices and these products deserves to be part of our daily eating habits. Dark chocolate is not a luxury reserved only for special occasions like Valentine's Day!


Each year, about 5% of people aged 70 and over are starting to show affection by a slight decline in their cognitive functions, manifested mostly by memory lost problems.

In short terms, those memory losses just cause minor inconveniences, but they can become more disabling if the neuron function continues to deteriorate while aging.

To determine whether the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of poly phenols present in dark chocolate could ameliorate cognitive functions, a team of Italian researchers recruited 90 volunteers aged 65 to 82 years (mean 71 years) who had clinical signs of a beginning of cognitive decline.

These individuals were divided into three groups, each of them took a daily drink of chocolate containing high amounts (990 mg) intermediate (520 mg) or low (45 mg) of poly phenols. In parallel, the diet of these people was closely monitored to eliminate any other sources of poly phenols a way to better discern the effects related to the consumption of presents molecules in chocolate.

After eight weeks of treatment, the cognitive function of those volunteers was determined with the aid of a battery of tests measuring memories, for both short-term and long termedcognitive functions in their set.

The results obtained are very interesting: compared to those of the group who drank a beverage low in poly phenols, those who consumed high quantities of these molecules showed a significant improvement of memory and had superiors cognitive functions during the test results, and those results only two months after having started the treatment!


The mechanisms responsible for these effects to remain positive has to be better understood, but it could be due to a significant improvement in the sensitivity to the action of insulin in people who consume high amounts of poly phenols.

Insulin is a very important hormone for the maintenance and function of brain cells and recent data indicate that resistance to this hormone, as observed in type 2 diabetes, contributes to cognitive decline and the development of the Alzheimer's disease.

Dark chocolate to counteract the loss of memory? A health advice, which should be unanimous!